HPL & CPL Laminates and Compact Laminates

HPL & CPL Laminates

Laminates are manufactured with state-of-the-art laminate technology, with superior post-forming properties, increased abrasion resistance, hygienic surface, rich and high-quality color choices. It can be used comfortably in interior decorations, in the home and office furniture, kitchen, bathroom and cabinet doors, on hotel doors, in schools, in public offices and decorative finishes, and in all decorative applications occurred by your imagination. It is manufactured in two forms as HPL and CPL.

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HPL Compact Laminate Panels

HPL Com is a compact laminate which is manufactured in the same process as HPL. The thickness is determined by increasing the amount of Kraft paper in the core of the sheets.

HPL Com compact laminates are supplied in sheets or panels and are the most practical materials for special areas, particularly wet and high wear environments like toilet cubicles, changing rooms, wall covering in schools, sports centers, hospitals, airports, and hotels.

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