Practical, Economical, Endurable, Reliable and Natural Solutions
Tile semolina saves moisture in the soil and minimizes vaporization. It prevents surface soil to spread around by wind. It also prevents insects. It covers the surface of the soil and prevents wild weed growing.
Standard Application Details of Athletics Tracks and Racing Tracks
Laying The Sub-base
Track grounds are graded with a machine and compacted with a vibration roller. 10-15 cm-thick oversize gravel stone or material is laid on the compacted ground in order to prevent subsidence of tracks or crack formation in the future. 20 cm-thick clinker or pumice material is laid on the compacted blockage material, so that ground can be more compacted.
Laying the Base
An average of 4-5 cm tile semolina and dust mixture is laid over space of which sub—base is completed, and surrounded by concrete lines; then some water is added to the mixture, and tightened with a roll. Every time you lay the tile semolina mixture, you should tighten it by adding some water into the mixture. During this process, proper track slope must be adjusted. Thanks to the slope to be adjusted, rain water will easily flow away, thus track will dry more easily. Aforementioned application conditions depend on the track type. Furthermore, implementing companies conduct different applications with simpler base works.
Areas of Use
* Athletics Tracks
* Racing Tracks
* Tennis Courts
* Garden Surfaces
* Bottom of Trees
* Bottom of Ornamental Plants
* Vase Surfaces
Volume - Weight Measurements
* 1 m3 tile semolina weighs 00-03 1250 kg.
* 50 kg tile semolina must be laid per square meters for 4-cm thickness.
* 37.5 kg tile semolina must be laid per square meters for 3-cm thickness.
* 25 kg tile semolina must be laid per square meters for 2-cm thickness.
Technical Specifications
* It is made of Marseille tile which is also made of highly clayed soil. * Color of Tile Semolina is natural tile red. Its color neither fades out nor changes in time.
* Tile semolina has standard and homogeneous dimensions. (0-6 mm, 6-12 mm, 12-20 mm)
* Bound mixture. Dust ratio doesn’t exceed 30%.
* It doesn’t melt in time, since the baking temperature is over 900 degrees.
* If used in compliance with standards, it can have features including permeability and moisture holding.
* It neither involves wild weed seed nor carries any diseases, since it is organic.
* It complies with standards of athletics and racing tracks. No mud or pond is formed on tracks which are in conformity with relevant standards.