For extra robustness...
Marseille Tile, which has a very robust structure thanks to its micronized clay raw material and high baking temperature, has an endurance value above standards. With an average 300 Kgf of endurance value, it has rupture strength more than twice the value of standards.
Dual-channel clamping system provides safer water drainage. In case of cross installations, it safely protects roofs at any size against water leakage.
- Dimensions: 24x41cm (±%2) / 9,45"x16,1"
- Weight: 2950gr (±100gr) / 6,50lb
- Pieces per Square Meter: 15 pcs/m²
- Endurance: 300 Kgf (±20kgf)
Advantages of Marseille Tile
- Special dual-channel clamping system provides extra waterproofing.
- Fixation is made through the upper left nail hole for cross installations. Thus nail hole can avoid the direction of water flow. Consequently, problem of water leakage from the nail hole will be properly solved.
- It hardly shows dust and dirt thanks to its smooth surface.
Marseille Type 2 Tile Installation
- Distance between the first lath (eaves lath) and second lath must be 30 cm from axle to axle, while other laths must be laid with 33.6 cm intervals.
However, to be sure, lath interval must be determined on site after tiles are brought to the construction site. - First lath must be 4 cm high, while remaining laths must be either 2.2 or 2.5 cm high.
- Tile installation must be conducted from right to left. Interlocking part under right side of each tile must be closely integrated into the channel of the next tile.
- Interlocking parts of tiles on the upper line must be properly integrated into the channels of the bottom line tiles.
- Cross installation must be conducted on joints of tiles for more efficient waterproofing. When the tiles are laid at slopes of 20°- 30° degrees, the first three lines of tiles on the eaves are wholly nailed, and remaining tiles are nailed every 3 lines, tiles would be resistant to flyaway at wind blowing 110 km/hr
- When tiles are laid on roof sheathing on the rafter (continuous sheathing such as wood or OSB), it is necessary to ventilate under tiles. Deformation may occur under surfaces of unventilated tiles due to condensation. Vertical lathing is carried out on cold roofs with 50 cm intervals, while channel, thermal insulating board is used on warm roofs to ensure ventilation under tiles. Insulating tape, which vapor permeable, is used under roof ridges, so that air can properly circulate under tiles.